The reports below describe the rationale and decisions made on key factors that influence the project work. They broadly follow:
- our listing of our requirements and how we based our choice on the ATM simulation software.
- Discussions relating to choice of air traffic scenarios and types of hazards and risk models.
- The development of the search harness around the simulation software and the heuristic algorithms that guide the search.
E.02.05-ASHiCS-D1.1-Scenario Description Technical Report-V2
E.02.05-ASHiCS-D1.2-Baseline Scenario and Search Description Technical Report-V4
E.02.05-ASHiCS-D2.1-Risk Measures Technical Report-V3
E.02.05-ASHiCS-D2.2-Method Description Technical Report-V3.pdf
E.02.05-ASHiCS-D3.1-Algorithm Evaluation Technical Report-V3.pdf
E.02.05-ASHiCS-D3.2-Model Analysis Technical Report v3